FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11collecting shiny objects. Unfortunately for him, her collection resided in her many and various pockets and they were all quite sharp and pointy and made of sterling silver.
10out of production. I did that with almost everything I liked. This dead cat earring: out of production. This hooded lab rat: out of production. Wait; those are still in production.
11I approach the temptress from behind. I must not! but her undraped shoulder pulls me. My finger taps lightly. Debbie McRoberts turns. "Do you want to dance?" I stammer. (No!)
12aren't even worth mentioning. Dr. Moodle's Past Grabber only grabbed the most banal boring moments in history. So, for instance, instead of the Battle of the Bulge, it grabbed
10I believe there are a few old underdogs, though only a few people know of them. There is Jakob, the Jewish refugee, Souperwoman, Dr.Moodle. Any other FS characters?