FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11d throughout the stony labyrinth in which I now found myself trapped. Around which corner would I find the Minotaur? Rumor had it that some of these mazes were infinite. A chill
12what the purveyor labeled "The Matter of the Minions" but was really just a timesnap of Lady Bargemore's maid purchasing a bolt of cloth. Moodle's Past Grabber had missed a more in
11Sam hastily brought his Monster Manual and 20-sided dice. Mort yelled, "Rocket Propelled Grenade not Role-Playing Game!" Another tentacle thrust out of the portal.
11early, then coasted for the rest of their lives. The Parka Generation, as they became known, lived through the 2020-60's on the nostalgic high of that music festival. Kenny himself
10-Man and the Masters of the Universe!. Wow! Childhood cartoon slogan turrets just interrupted my fold.