FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10It was the greatest thing since sliced bread. It was doughy, compact, had a long shelf life. Sure it was squishy but is also cheap. People didn't love it, but they bought it. It wa
10." When she arrived, everyone at the saugage fa was in full swing, awaiting the arrival of their great swami, fa baker. "All hail the holy fa!" they chanted, windmilling their arms
11All stories are love stories.
10at all-you-can-carry for a vow of eternal servitude. As a bonus most of it is written in crayon in a language I invented. ACT NOW) But I think most people who quit FS do so because
11with sequins. Glitter bomb the Chopper and his stupid rambo-esque name! Rambo. Now there was a man who could appreciate the finer things the jungle has to offer. Like glitter.