FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10" Sharon looked up from her motorcycle repair. Her sneer evolved into astonishment. Steve was a blank and he knew it, and he was sincere. "Hop on, babe. We'll see how it goes." Fi
12on the escalator. Catching her heel, she tumbled down infinitely. Legend has it, if you go to the mall, you can still see her this very day.
10That was it. I could see by the teacher's face it was over. "Well, see you around," I said sadly. "There you go again," she chided. I set my sights on the volleyball coach instead.
11This kind of "mise en abyme" talk was too much for him to handle and he went into a seizure. During his fugue state, a pot of water was boiling somewhere in the world.
11But I was ready. When the priest asked for any objections to the union, I stood. "Friends, I am wearing this hazmat suit as a symbol of the toxicity of this so-called marriage.