FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11like a red hot tamali. I remove the champagne bottles from the top of a pail & sit down. Ahhh! Dr. Derriere looks alarmed. Too late, I find they kept live lobsters in the ice, too.
11But he didn't and night fall found him back at his corner again flaunting his candy for the sugar daddies. He caught an occasional bored Socialite but it was mostly their husbands.
12off his hand rolled cigarette. "You do look mellow, or something," I said. Eeyore wore a beret & rectangular sunglasses, and had a goatee. He was even walking on his hind legs.
10biscuit. If you know what I mean.", said Princess HotPocket. Sir Red Devil saw the blush on Queen Whirlpool's face and lost all control. He pushed Chief Wala to the side, grabbed
10"Dead or alive?" "Paper or plastic?" "Are you living in that sedan or just going on a really long trip?" "As a frequent folder, are you keen on happy endings?"