FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10finance advisors. If you thought you were screwed last time you had a finance advisor because he was an ex-used car salesman then think about the bananas. They have the worst of
12e and end up facedown in the gutter with no pants on. When you end up facedown in the gutter with no pants on, you may be filmed on live TV. When you're filmed on live TV, you will
10looked up from the pool of self obsession and held up the Apple of Knowledge in a gnarled claw. Snow White took the fruit. She hesitated, then bit into its sour flesh.
10trusty Bunsen burner. The teacher scolded Barton for going near his rifle, and attempted to take the rifle away. By mistake, teach had forgotten that the barrel was hot and touched
10wiggled its whiskers and chirped. "There's one in the den," I said. "Just be careful and don't get your nuts stuck between the cushions." The squirrel took a drag from its stogie.