FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13Such were the feelings of shadowsheart, the third Folder. Although it seems like he has been here forever, he is a relative newcomer to Foldingstory. Just not as new as some of you
138. SLAP SLAP! That's what you get for cryin', you big baby, you! Ditto on number seven. 9. Under no circumstances should you reveal your true identity. 10. Fold your stories as you
10leap into his Josh-isms, like "Love is just propinquity with sex thrown in. Let's throw in the sex." I'll haul my iPad and chips to the lady's room, to safety!, and fold in peace.
10"Pancakes.. again? Don't you ever have me cook you anything else?" Mattie asked Gill, playfully acting annoyed. Gill just smiled innocently, though he was anything but that.
10I thought she looked out of place but I couldn't think why. She'd wrapped her skirt around her legs & was humming a tune. It was her hair which was wrong and I realised that she