FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Emperor Snailien decreed. The sudden slowing of Earth's rotation sent many of the lighter Earthlings skyward, but it was a small price. Florists sent thank you messages via dial-up
14time went all slow-mo and Dame May Whitty caught me as I fell. "Never mind about shaken or stirred, dear," she advised before humming a tune into my ear. She vanished as I re
10of course climbed the third. "Bugger this Bramble of Buggery." Was the general consensus of the travellers after a rough ten minutes. "Let's find a nice Fern of Fondling instead."
11I told that idiot I didn't want him walking my dog anymore. I'm tired of waking up and thinking
10...and action! Mark worried about motivation as he crunched down on an earwig waving his squeegie at the hobo, who rose from the shallow end blowing water from a snorkel. Cut!