FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10His squamous skin was due to inbreeding. He'd point at me yelling "qu'est que c'est que ça?" He shot himself when figuratively became an accepted meaning of literally. But Grandpa
11pined for charity and grace and the ghosts of trains past, the humble humor of Red Skelton, and a life of uncertain but broad horizons. But for now, cubicles would trump cardboard
12"Come into my parlor. I'll make us some killer French fries," she said as he suddenly realized he was stuck, caught. " I already in your 'parlor'?" he asked Spiderwoman.
11but the wood-gnome didn't know the way to my remote cabin. So we ditched him and I lead the way through the woods. Suddenly our grocery cart revaporized before us and
10the tables, spilled six Shirley Temples, and ate the flowering table centerpiece. Like most lizardfolk, Leif was not the best customer, but he loved Rupert's accordion recitals the