FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11"Isn't cavier, wine, and truffles; just fish eggs, spoiled grape juice and tree fungus?" she asked while dabbing her mouth.
10-blocked. She uppercutted the floating ? Blocks to find her lost phone. The first one had foreign currency, and the second had an odd flower. But then she heard her ringtone in a
35[Eagle screech][Horses galloping][Bugle call][Gunshots][Wilhelm scream][Weeping][Funeral march][Splintering wood][Death rattle][Wet rip][Splatter][Another Wilhelm scream][Fart]
11..but instead of speeding through cowboy country and ultimately careening into a canyon, Frank, Bob, and I took a turn north into Canada and encountered a wily Canuck.
10“Why, you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking Nerf herder!” The teach heard the insult, the young girl was a creative insulter. The boy in the vest did play with Nerf items so