FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11I bet you're the type of person who skips to the end of a book to see how things turn out.
12Roberta sat in the boardroom, trembling in her designer dress. Had her brilliant deception been uncovered or was the boss about to give her a
11"...and then I was traded for a million dollars," Giant Old Squid Man finished. "The rest is history." The Squid grandchildren sat at his feet, enraptured. "Tell us about the time
11all the synaptic connections in my(our) brain are perfectly parallel. Long elegant, straight, strands of neurons all flowing in the same way. My(our) brain can now understand
13The Clufwaang spake,"Snickle, Fagan! Your Gefurtwenger slothes and jangnates in your drivish, hubchungling sot! I am klunked with you--bronisiously!" Fagan turned and queened, his