FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10a nor'wester blowin a rum looking packet my way. It had a superstructure enclosing the decks, apparently as defense against Giant Middle Aged Squid Men like me. I ripped the flimsy
10But my wrath is a swirling fire! / None shall escape from my ire! / ...ooh but that goat IS a beauty… / with horns so fine and haunch so juicy
11ed his crotch and did a little Michael Jackson move as he headed out to collect the cow eggs. At least he thought they were cow eggs. They made lousy omelets, but were plentiful.
11It was the moment Sisyphus had been dreading - performance reviews. Beelzebub tapped a clipboard. "Well, Sissy, it looks like today's your lucky day. You've been reassigned to
10One of Frank's arms didn't work as well as the other as it had come from the left arm of famous pitcher Roger "Righty" Rolfenstein and was sewn on crooked. Beth still prattled on