FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Most of the shoppers had pepper spray as well. Some lady with her bottom bulging out of her stretch pants fired white phosphorous from a bazooka. The shoppers trampled the Occupy
10gets a new torch filled with explosives, let it blow. If Justice loses her blindfold, pay her off", and all start laughing like a pack of hyenas. "We need to divert attention away
11His head went smack and his jaw went slack when he fell from the great whack. There was no going back. The world went black and as the train appeared he had a panic attack.
12The same dismal orbit as other failed planets such as Planet Trapped Wind and Planet Cramps. But as Captain Shistrome loosened Planet Diarrhoea's tethers, an eerie face appeared
10-lad and Putin had ordered the borscht. Orange blinked a few times and rolled about on his chair as he remembered how he had gotten there. The limo driver had been surly. Could it