FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
102 was to blame, with their incessant electric rhythm guitar thing and then the nail polish fumes made her feel floaty, she got the paint all over her wedding dress. But what if she
13Such were the feelings of shadowsheart, the third Folder. Although it seems like he has been here forever, he is a relative newcomer to Foldingstory. Just not as new as some of you
12a minute, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "no worries, only absolute losers who live in their parents' basement know what a manakete is anyway." I'll get you a new parakeet if
12. The writers just sat there in silence. Fred timidly spoke up. "OK, how 'bout this? We'll call it 'Sweep Dreams'. A game show. The street sweeper will pick up bums & prostitutes.
15"I want to bedazzle my horn to camoflage it from poachers," whispered rhino Jenny. I under took the arduous journey to the Swarovski Kristallwelten in old Osterreich with forebodi