FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10up some weenies?" I winked at the mayor but he had been taken in by the governor's dazzling charm. "I want to be Engineer Lotus Scrotum!" he said. At that point, I realized we were
10ing cheese web they used instead of stretchers thanks to budget cuts. Drowning in dairy, I grasped air feebly with my hands. "My fold," I croaked as they rushed me to the hospital
10Nasty Wife #1 suggested I go jump off a cliff. Nasty Wife #2 had already left me for another man more capable of drinking Kool-Aid without burping. Nasty Wife #3, well, she was
12gasped in shock and cut to commercial break. Off in the distance a thunderous rumbling could be heard, the hoofs of the approaching Kardashian sisters...and they were mad as hell.
10the concrete under my prison slippers, snuggling under the thin cotton blanket on my lumpy mattress, and hearing my number at roll call. I would be home again.