FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12Her husband came and found her in the kitchen. "I'm so sorry," he said holding her tight. "So sorry I brought you to a house with no internet access."
12bath salts; those things can seriously mess with your mind! Anyway, I was then visited by a man with a bow tie, suit, and a police box, telling me, "Ready for an adventure? :D"
12booze + a wedding ring, which I realize now was probably the worst way to score. Apparently when it goes that far, girls want something called "commitment" which I always thought
11dy. "I hate children," he said. "The way they run around randomly. They're really stupid, they can't talk properly & their writing's rubbish" With that bombshell, our tale ends.
11was postponed due to rain predicted that Saturday. Godzilla and Lobsterman caught up on sleep while they revamped their invasion attempts.