FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12without effort, though my math-y friend told me that dividing by zero would tear some kind of hole in something. He didn't tell me this hole would suck up my money. 0 divided by 0
11and once I secured that, the "what"s and "who"s would not mean a thing. Secluded and removed from my past and any strings attached, I'd exist in bliss -- incredulous, arrogant bli
11Tired of endless people purposefully wiping smears of dirt and grime on him. Never moving, never seeing the world as his Uncle Stan, the flying carpet, always described it. The rug
12e to work it's slow grumbly magic in his multichambered gut. As Det. Manatee ruminated, the hunch passed from fore to hindgut becoming a suspicion, and then a hardened stoolpigeon!
11Okay I got it. Street Sweeper Wars, Street Sweeper's Wives, Are You Smarter than a Street Sweeper? Celebrity Street Sweeper, So You Think You Can Street Sweep? Street Sweeper COPS!