FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10before he went ahead & sniked the humbie right in the scruptum. "Why the folck did you do that?!" I screamed at Fagan. "The humbie fundersnapped my girlfriend last neight!" Fagan
11more willing to just go with the flow of the evening's developments so I let them finish up. By night's end my bumpers were sore, my flippers needed oil and one of my pinballs had
10is not tolerated in this folding story. Anyway, Dr. Pheelguddenheistmeistersteinenburger's German Shepherd Adalwolfa Brunhilda (formally a police dog) started barking at Von W. III
13At way. Expect the unexpected, this was my motto. Battish had an interesting alphabet and punctuation. Plus accent marks similar to Vietnamese. I had a notebook ready to practise.
12Her post went viral and suddenly there was an international market for hobgoblin bellies. All the short players lost billions when the price skyrocketed to 666 dollops an ounce.