FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11when you consider he was a mute. He reported his fake youtube news using only hand gestures and body language. the interpretive dance that informed everyone of the monster invasion
13Mrs. Butterworth was displayed in a casket on a pedestal behind velvet rope. As people filed past they received a blast of compressed air aimed at their crotch, making them shriek.
10Jennerists out there, it was no surprise fitness places appeared like rabbits out of hats. The Minister of Information even said, "Fitness begets survival in times of nuclear war."
11He had flashbacks to his war years, helping a kitty with mange, a dog with heartworm. While the other vets were going through Agent Orange, he was back at the Pet MASH.
10automatic butt wiper, which will be like a wind-sheild wiper, only for butts. I know this sounds crude, and I'm sorry. But it would be oh so convenient for those busy commutes.