FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12e to work it's slow grumbly magic in his multichambered gut. As Det. Manatee ruminated, the hunch passed from fore to hindgut becoming a suspicion, and then a hardened stoolpigeon!
22to the Department of Balloon Animals which had been a big hit with the citizenry. The protesters marched on the capitol, demanding the colorful rubbery animals that they deserved.
10down." Their reinforcements, Itchy & Scratchy, quickly assembled the rocket launcher & handed it to Ouchy. Bonzo was hit in the arse, and swore, regretting he ever went to Bitburg.
10! There's something really weird growing in the shower and a faun in the mirror said 'beware the white witch,'" said the guest. The hotel manager quickly called the cleaning staff
10[You don't have to be crazy to work here, but it helps]. Other short cliff notes: Pride and Prejudice. [He's a bit of a toff, nope he's not.] Moby Dick [Lots of stuff about rope]