FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10file of legal papers, pointing out that Uncle Bert was prohibited from approaching within five hundred yards of her. Goldilocks had had these drawn up when Uncle Bert last tried
11Did you know sunflowers used to be able to walk? But people kept killing them for sport so eventually they just stopped. And now they are rooted to the ground like regular
12Research has found that the percentage of FoldingStory users with 3 figure IQs is equal to the percentage of bananas that are straight. From this we can conclude that
11took a quick swig of whiskey and set to work. First off she needed to summon her carrier pigeons. "COO COO COO" she belted. And in the distance you could hear them
12without effort, though my math-y friend told me that dividing by zero would tear some kind of hole in something. He didn't tell me this hole would suck up my money. 0 divided by 0