FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11"Siri, can you find me a Thai restaurant around here?" "Get bent! What am I? Your mother? Can't you read a map? "
11limerich was a doozey. George said, "There Once was a tourist from Tacoma..." a crowd gathered, everyone loved a good Limerick Battle
11A good-hearted woodcutter was about to chop down a mighty tree when the tree spoke. "In return for my life, I will grant you three wishes," she cried. The woodcutter decided not to
11It was the moment Sisyphus had been dreading - performance reviews. Beelzebub tapped a clipboard. "Well, Sissy, it looks like today's your lucky day. You've been reassigned to
10, for example, that I thought a lot about the teachings of Confucious. I didn't even know that this was what lima beans think about until I started thinking like a lima bean. I als