FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13like a bat, and splatted against the wall like a gnat. The people upstairs were trying the door. I gathered myself on the stairs for their horror. The stairwell's dim bulb did sput
13shattered beneath the roast. The butcher and his wife knew that Jorge would sometimes drive problematic demons into bad meat as a kindness, but this had been a prime cut and now it
10I had changed my mind and ate some crumpets for breakfast. The bubblegum Pop-Tart calmed down and its mini baby bubblegum Pop-Tarts came out from hiding to play
10a monster turgid stoat that he laid on the table as payment. Nobody moved. Cruella was the first to recover. She said "Ol' Possum! Get that
10suspicious, then ran out of the bank and down the street to the park, where she disappeared into a crowd of people who all wore parkas and sunglasses. The bank cop that followed