FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Now, boys and girls, this is to be a nice, clean story, do you hear? No lewd references to body parts, no toilet humor, no crude or sexual words will be tolerated.
12Was attended by Tom and his family. They roasted Mrs. Butterworth, dressed her in organic stuffing and homemade gravy. The feast was on February 19th. Everyone was invited.
11Montezuma's Revenge (as soon as it's cleared up) by smiting every Jedi chef in the galaxy. Instead, he thanks his gods for Intergallactic Pepto Bismol and falls asleep on the sofa.
11snapping pictures of his bare bum as she chased after him with the skirt of her nun's habit gathered in her fist. His bum appeared online and he became a meme overnight with
12. The writers just sat there in silence. Fred timidly spoke up. "OK, how 'bout this? We'll call it 'Sweep Dreams'. A game show. The street sweeper will pick up bums & prostitutes.