FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10But even with tattoos galore/And perfume that reeks of dirty whore/My Mother loves me each day, more/With breasts complete down to the floor/
13like this, "I got your beefcakes, your matrimony abalone, got your fruit pie in aisle five, I CU check me out, scan me with your laser stare" The hunky checkout double bagged me &
12, the heuristic hobos had pillows, Tempur-Pedic air mattresses, and grocery carts without rusty wheels. With the federally aided comforts, the hobos could complete their journey to
10the Navy, -Instigate the Alamo, - Forget your monkey, - Call yesterday, - Give organic knives, -Live for... Wait a minute. I'm all mixed up! Can we start again? OK. -Tickle your
11Take the lower left hand corner and bring it to your knee. Once you have made the crease, shout, "Heil sensai!" and drop the beat. Fold 2 is easy. You can do that one. Fold 3: