FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12give you my vote". He thought for a bit - and then started writing. When hitting "fold & pass" he heard a strange noise. It was the sound of the alarm clock. Damn, it was a dream.
10made it clear that she did not approve but since he was Jim, then it was ok & she & all of her nun sisters would do everything they could to find Tally Olde so that he could dilly
10At 4 am in the morning, the riot police marched up with their ballistic shields and pepper spray cannisters. The mob rushed the line. Walmart had only ten Tickle-Me Elmos.
10Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, naked, on the bed, on their stomachs, eating popcorn and watching reruns of The Jeffersons on a 65 inch flat screen.
20he split his pants down the inseam in third grade in front of the entire class, showing the group what "he spied," along with his backend (true story). So, the attention-grabber