FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Just a few gulps of pink paint, and an hour or so with the belt sander took care of those little details. Frankie assessed himself in the mirror. Not bad for a monster! The reunion
10"To one half-cup whiskey add three drams elderberry tincture. Stir widdershins by the light of a harvest moon. Pour over glacial snow in a cup carved by no man's hand."
12had turned into an unnaturally straight tunnel of doom, but my mind was now scrambled and I doubted my every step. The many-forked Minotaur backed away mockingly. My salad fork
10How could I have forgotten that hotel room full of smoke? Lana'd gotten a bag of loose cigarettes and over the two weeks, the room took on hazy strata. I'd count the layers and
10a wondrous ability - he could regenerate lost limbs and so of course he grew another tail. The gods would not like it, but that was too bad. Butch yelped and leapt toward Tum-Tums