FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11The ice cream man dealt drugs when I was a kid. A bigger neighborhood kid told me so.
11-rewolves like to eat on Meatless Fridays. I will gaze into your bloodshot eyes and you can nibble on my tufted ears, being careful not to puncture them with your fangs. Together
11Luckily the black hole picked it up for me. Its selective, benevolent gravity was a real plus for our town. Rabid strays: No more. Trash collection: Easy. But where did it all go?
11select Michelin starred restaurants in disputed border territiories of Europe like Catalonia or the Balkans. When I regurgitated my Oeufs a la Bonne Femme onto her lap, Dame Whitty
12sea-monkey mind and illuminated her path into Magical Reality. The Sea Monkeys introduced her to the Holy Ocarina then showed her their coffee-table book of Bob Venosa paintings