FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11"Yukon gold! Nuggets as big as your fists! Yeehaw!" he said. We immediately took a hard right and canoed to Nova Scotia. Cold as a witches teet it was, but we had nowhere else to
10She had Encyclopedia Britannica. "Who reads these?" I wondered as pulled out letter the 'L.' A soft click, and I was standing in front of a short-wave transmitter. My date's a spy?
10He dreamed of one Viet Kong hamster in particular. It had stepped on a land mine & was blown apart. Still, he sewed the little feller up as best he could. Pet MASH flashbacks were
10to their grave. After Chuck Woolreacher dissapeared during a Snape hunt locals shun the area around Camp Crystal, but the students from Mt Crisco U had never head of the Masked Man
13But Bob was telling me that ants WERE my friends. I kicked away the traps and lay down. The ants swarmed over me and lifted me up. They were taking me to their bloated queen