FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10" Sharon looked up from her motorcycle repair. Her sneer evolved into astonishment. Steve was a blank and he knew it, and he was sincere. "Hop on, babe. We'll see how it goes." Fi
10"What the hell is wrong with you?" She asked before lighting a cigar and taking a long puff. I began to stutter. Words dribbling out of my mouth like I was a deep sea clown fish.
10But then he realized he hadn't jumped out of the plane yet. The skydiver laughed in relief. Then Gene Rayburn slapped him on the back and parachuteless skydiver stumbled forward
10"Well, I'm glad that's settled. Cup of tea?" Before she could respond, he thumped her over the head with his Bible. She came to in the Pentagram Chamber, hearing his wicked
13shattered beneath the roast. The butcher and his wife knew that Jorge would sometimes drive problematic demons into bad meat as a kindness, but this had been a prime cut and now it