FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11"Save, us, Insecurity Woman," someone in the audience called out, "You're our only hope!" "Oh, I'm sure someone else could do it better," she replied, chewing anxiously on her nail
16Start stocking up on rogaine®, Viagra® & pepto for the retirement years. 23. Count number of hairs left in my "barcode". 24. Have my will drawn up so that no good cheating tramp
10wanted to get in on Gay Halloween to meet hot chicks. Dalai Guru had to be inventive to find women ever since the unspiritual unthinkable happened.
11look a gift tree in the knothole and said "Very well. I will spare thee. I wish for three acorns that will grow into a tree the instant I throw them on the ground." No sooner said
10like the floor was lava and his ass was about to catch fire. He returned with the first course promptly. According to the syllabus it was Dictatorship for Dummies 101. "Dig in."