FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10.1415. The store's theme was circles. Everything was round. Chaz was dizzy trying to get to the refrigerator case that held the
11like a red hot tamali. I remove the champagne bottles from the top of a pail & sit down. Ahhh! Dr. Derriere looks alarmed. Too late, I find they kept live lobsters in the ice, too.
10"Sarah, Totally Not a Zombie, Meets Jacob (Also Not a Zombie)." A perfect name for what was sure to be the perfect story of the path into womanhood. As he got to writing, though,
10Except this one. While writing my outline, I decided this story should focus instead on the irreverent adventures of Detective Manatee, who today would be investigating the
12we can get to the church on time. That's right. It was Sunday--fried egg day and dress up day all rolled into one. The mess would have to