FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11-Floss more, -Eat less red meat, -Work less, -Work out more, -Watch more porn, -See more of Grandma, -Not at the same time, -Spend time in a foreign country, -Stain the deck, -Play
12the inconvenience." The others relieved by the sense of routine returned to their shopping. I shoved the snoring body into the cart and inconspicuously wheeled it towards checkout
12Do not continue this FoldingStory. By it's completion, it will leave you in a cold sweat, awake until the early hours, staring into the darkness. This thread ends here. Goodnight.
13My clone and I started eating other until you couldn't tell where he began and I ended and then two snakes slithered by and said, "Wow, well I never. A human Palindrome?
13other Fallunker was bespun with Dirligigs. Fagan was always slothing his Gefurtwenger but this Clfwaang had insulted his pride. Spoke Fagan, " I'll be snickered & snackered before