FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Jarrod Quatermain examined the tatters fluttering on the ruins. "The old ones still remember. The young ones still hope." No, not good, he thought, and logged it in his timestick.
11see if it's still good after after 2 years." The bubblegum Pop-Tart looked innocent enough, but then it growled at me and muttered something like "rabies" or "babies". Either way,
11Sam hastily brought his Monster Manual and 20-sided dice. Mort yelled, "Rocket Propelled Grenade not Role-Playing Game!" Another tentacle thrust out of the portal.
10licked his teeth as though to menace my dentist. He reached into his pocket and revealed my true nature. And that, officer, is why I trashed the place.
12However, it wasn't very aesthetically pleasing. But this was the post-Tom Green era, when the aesthetes became as dead as the language that spawned their name, & with them, merit.