FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12I counted the items in the small plastic bag again. "Nope. I have two bolts when I only need one bolt and I'm missing a small screw", I scanned the hieroglyphs in the instructions
14a really nice emerald green double-wide trailer with a giant confederate flag draped over the top and Dorothy asked, "Is that the Wizard's place?" But the Scarecrow laughed, "Look
11Well now that is something you don't see everyday!" My clone glared and said,"How about you take a picture, it will last longer!" The snakes then took a picture and left.
10kitchen with a disdainful look on her face. Really? And how exactly did you come to find my cold cream glazed across your doughnuts? You know that I abstain from any such
12be safe. It's always best to be safe than sorry. Peter snatched the juicyfruit-flavored condoms from my hand & stormed off. Ungrateful bastard. I don't know why I even try. Next,