FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11the tomatoes' little faces at the multiple fashion faux pas. But tomatoes are made of sturdy stuff & huddled together in a saucy group therapy session & got over it, basically.
13, or do I really mean putrefaction? Oh, I am so caught up in it I can't remember what I mean. Okay, so the lead character is in love with a cloud that is lit by the sun's dying ray
11a rash and embarrassing odor. The Captain called Dr. Derriere's office to complain and got his receptionist, Toni Tennille. They talked a good, long time while the Chairman steamed
14"They give me one star, I give them the Death Star." Darth, helmetless and harrowed, marched to the front of the ship. passing his new trampoline & pinball machine in the hallway.
15by your dangling participle (see #15). 18. For maximum creativity, wait 10 minutes after smoking, drinking or consuming carbs before you fold. 19. Never fold when listening to