FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11I'm that guy, the one who talks at the movie theatre. Shushes sustain me. Bad dialogue gives me purpose. During "Spider-Man," I added a well-placed "yeah right" to the part when
10automatic butt wiper, which will be like a wind-sheild wiper, only for butts. I know this sounds crude, and I'm sorry. But it would be oh so convenient for those busy commutes.
11Plus, with Uncle Lenny's colostomy bag right there next to me, I could deposit any other collected meal detritus directly into there, thus saving the typical hassles affiliated
10I'd saved and saved and it was finally here: my interpretive sign for the center about How to Water a Tree. Most people think you can
13The Clufwaang spake,"Snickle, Fagan! Your Gefurtwenger slothes and jangnates in your drivish, hubchungling sot! I am klunked with you--bronisiously!" Fagan turned and queened, his