FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11-rewolves like to eat on Meatless Fridays. I will gaze into your bloodshot eyes and you can nibble on my tufted ears, being careful not to puncture them with your fangs. Together
11I was never very good at storytelling. Yet, beckoned once again by the ruling fungi, I put pencil to paper and
14ey lived happily ever after. Well, mostly. Two outta three ain't bad. The end. P.S. Regina's second head went on to become a supreme court justice, so it wasn't all bad for her.
10Please copy your fold: The tape worms decided to feast on his lunch while discussing in the intestine board about the deal. A living host they could stay in forever. But
10"Are we necromancers, Magic Orb?" repeated the first as he snatched the orb from the second's hands. "Look, I'm dead tired. Ask again tomorrow," was the orb's reply. The two looked