FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12When you wait for the cable guy, you get bored. When you get bored, you start staring out of windows. When you stare out of windows, you see things you shouldn't see. When you see
14after some tiresome false modesty and further self-mythologization, eventually admits to trying to keep the story going, but not as well as StoryFascist or this next folder, who
10"Can't you do that somewhere else?" I said and did a faceplam. That big idea I was working on went out the window with He-man's might declaration: "I. HAVE. THE POWER!"
10He entered the musty old Wand shoppe.No need to ring a bell, the door creaked loudly enough, but Mr. Olivander did not appear.Instead a stooped over fellow with a mole rat face and
10live through the night," the Dr. said gravely. His assistant nodded. "That makes sense." The Dr pocketed the compact electromagnet, and his staff readied me for abdominal surgery