FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13In the future, I envision a world where you can control the temperature, where there's nearly unlimited food options, where you can pay for amazing entertainment, sex, drugs, what
10centuries later, having birthed an estimated 12% of the global population. This strange corpse-human heritage is the cause of the brutal and ongoing zombie wars on earth.
12She'll surely take me back this time. After making a few adjustments to my appearance, I walked to her room and knocked. But when she opened the door, there was another man with
15may be. That is good. Welcome newcomer. May FoldingStory be as much as you had hoped, Shadowsheart. Firebolt391d wrote this hoping to create a greater sense of community.
11"I was 25 years old when I died for the first time" - he thought, looking through the glass. "And yet, I remember every detail - as it was yesterday". The red wine really got him