FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11in his pantry. a wailing gobble was heard in the hall, a peck-pecking at his bedchamber & a great turkey carcass waddled in. "What are you?" cried Scrooge? "The Ghost of Thanksgiv
12t world. I shivered when I realised what had happened. This happened in the movies - the hero would help an unassuming person, and then they would be thrown into another dimension!
10His file folder but he claims he doesn't know the name. He has a list of all the names, except this one. His notebook is filled with handwritten research done at night in a library
14On May 12, 2015, at 3:01 PM, I was writing a new Folding Story. On May 12, 2015, at 3:01 PM, a small band of ferrets in Mongolia were eating prunes. On May 12, 2015, at 3:01 PM,
12But their cheerful little Christmas Spirits were not easily hampered. Their merry hearts burst forth with "Oh Come All Ye Faithful" when the pirate poked his bearded chin out again