FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10. When Tharg found his wife missing he howled in rage, "Blarg! Blast it, we have to get her back before she gets any ideas!" The others gasped in horror and sent out a search party
10No problem, totally got your back. All you do is, ... are you getting this? Write this down. "Homelessness in America: Not That Bad? It's been 13 years since Walter Kringle had wor
13Such were the feelings of shadowsheart, the third Folder. Although it seems like he has been here forever, he is a relative newcomer to Foldingstory. Just not as new as some of you
10Having already read the end of this story I can tell you that I'm appalled. I hereby refuse to participate. Specifically, the subtly veiled references in folds 6-8 make me want to
14I quit. I studied the 'best' stories. Can't discern a pattern. Someone makes a list & loses their plunger? Woopdeedoo. A girl gets a papercut? Big deal. Your about to get sk0njed!