FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11"I was 25 years old when I died for the first time" - he thought, looking through the glass. "And yet, I remember every detail - as it was yesterday". The red wine really got him
12"It's very simple, Madge," Mr. Butterworth replied. "I'll have my cell phone with me in the casket. If Hollywood calls, put them hold, call me, and then dig me up! Understand?"
10It got more than a little weird when Jerry Seinfeld showed up for the bar and started flirting with Diane and then Sam punched him. By the time I was down to one donut,
10The sky was on fire. Not in a beautiful, metaphorical, take a picture with your phone sense. In a ohmygodeverythingsgoingtodie sense. I pushed my way into the cave, screaming for
10spaper clippings were on the coffee table. Elliott thought this was the craziest crime scene ever. The dead gold fish were hung w/satin ribbons like mobiles all over the library.