FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13The shrincken humbie squalled and caterpunked festily. Fagan glomped inwardly & offed his festerbound handy. Thoroughly tanked, Morose teedled & blowdied Fagan's trestlt until
12Horticulture, Heresy, Hand Soap." The man paused, then said, "Thank you." The audience applauded and cheered uproariously as he made his way off the stage.
11, which seemed sexier than it really was. She was all talk, and kept jabbering even as they were swept into the hallway by the exploding waterbed. That was the nail in the coffin.
10wishing there was some water with all this sand. (I miss surfing.) Some dude called me Muad'Dib or something. Man its hot, diary. Giant worms approaching. This bites. Gotta go.
18that turning it up to 11 really does make all the difference. 10 just doesn't cut it anymore. When I visited Stonehenge