FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11the differences between metaphor and the literal scope." "As in," he retorted, "I'm being figuratively henpecked by you, and literally by Sigmund's chicken." Sigmund smiled slyly.
11someone had snuck in and made a paper mache replica of him. He tried to fill Herman with Chupa Chups and hang him from the ceiling for the children to beat. The orangutan ate him.
15She would often talk to and cry on the shoulders of her cardboard friends, and she would tell them how her papier mache boyfriend didn't show any emotional response
10unknown at first, but soon we saw they carried sabres and red flags emblazoned with a skull surrounded by green concentric circles. Whoever they were, they weren't pseudofishermen.
10of all the secrets that passed between the two, my dog and our newly hired dog walker. I knew they spoke of my manuscripts, my failed manuscripts. I watched from the window,