FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Pooh hung his head but kept his eyes straight ahead to give him that cool evil look with moody shadows around his eyes. He wiped Piglets blood from his mouth with the back of a paw
12lane six, the one reserved for those with nine bodies or less. Up ahead I saw a tall guy wiith ten snoring bodies in his cart just about to join the line. Scowling vehemently I
10Since you read my fold, you are going to die. Now would be a good time to start think about what is next. Maybe chilling with Jesus or Satan. I don't recommend reincarnation,
10It was marked "touriste américain". A trap door dropped out below his seat & he was sent through a system of chutes to the place all misbehaving American tourists in Paris end up
11manchus blowing in the breeze. Steve envied Sharon's red-golden fu, the way the light caught it and seemed to dance within it. His own dark black fu was now shot with grey, and