FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11pomegranate. When I opened the door there was what appeared to be a small ruby in the bottom of the immaculate self-cleaning oven. "Holy shnikies!" I exclaimed. My uncle was a jewe
12think it has something to do with the name "Wayne." It reminds me of that old show, "Wayne's World." You know those two were high on something.
12matriculating up the aevinista. Fagan was genuinely beangrafting now, his eyes winkly with fear. The mob shouted "Woolreacher! The cherlust must be brought to chustice!" Fagan spun
12you promise not to teach it any curse words. He agreed and we went to the pet store. There was only one parakeet left and he came with a free eye patch. Can we name him Squawkers?
13"Think you'll like it out here, kid?" Lucca hollered up to me from the lower deck. I threw the rose to him. He caught it, laughed and tossed it to the rain where it landed in a rai