FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10qualms about affiliations. So what if he liked a Sarnath Sarnie now and then? So what if Newcastle tasted too sweet, considering the horrific incident? Unsettled? Well, settled.
10licked his teeth as though to menace my dentist. He reached into his pocket and revealed my true nature. And that, officer, is why I trashed the place.
11And got them on just in time! The honey pot was what Pooh craved most. But he followed instructions. The lederhosen looked okay on Pooh. A little boy passed by and complimented him
14has no idea where it had been going in the first place, but hopes that it involves vultures, hallucinations, zombies, and a man in pink pants. Let us enter Lester's Disco and see
19Nonplussed. I could stand up to the scrutiny. I had nothing to hide & I knew it. Still it never hurt to really know what you are up too and I took it as a sign of personal growth.