FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12Pythagoria, glanced back triangulating my stare, and shot back, "Your surface area to square diameter ratio approaches Π. Why should our space time manifolds intersect again?
13and my freshly laundered cotton curtains danced daintily in the breeze. So enthralled was I with their whimsical movement, I didn't notice the stampede until 49erFaithful whistled
11"Isn't cavier, wine, and truffles; just fish eggs, spoiled grape juice and tree fungus?" she asked while dabbing her mouth.
13At way. Expect the unexpected, this was my motto. Battish had an interesting alphabet and punctuation. Plus accent marks similar to Vietnamese. I had a notebook ready to practise.
12& missed, as usual. "Poor thing," she murmured, sprinkling him with hot sauce for that extra zing. After Salazar finally fell into silent delirium, she let the dogs in to lick his