FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10k. "Dinnit tink we wuz real digja? Dinnit bother to clap hands to beliv' in us? Well itz payback sista!" Tinkerbell and her gang flew in for the kill. Wendy brought up the Raid.
12Her post went viral and suddenly there was an international market for hobgoblin bellies. All the short players lost billions when the price skyrocketed to 666 dollops an ounce.
11a Hidden Markov Model made of folds not directly visible, but which have a probability distribution over the final story. This allows a reader to recognize patterns in the original
10in perfect unison. Then a sausage guru stepped forward and said "Oh holy fa! We have all wondered for years, what does fa actually mean?" The fa simply replied "It's an acronym for
11was, or a Nebulous Battleship. Jimbeau and Flopp were beginning to wonder where they could turn to have all these strange new terms defined. An Untimely Jubilee? A Flubbering