FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10and firmly remove it. Then it began to tickle him under the arch of his foot, his only ticklish spot. He decided, zombie or not, this was the women he'd been looking for.
11he descended the gangway & resolutely entered the customs station. "I am bringing this suitcase of mine in on a citizen's arrest!" he announced dramatically, "It contains heroine!"
11pretended to sweep while the monkey made off with his wig. The Monkey became Judge of the Jungle wearing the powdered wig whenever court was in session. In the case of Hyena vs.
10. Doris didn't like being called that, but had to admit she COULD be an ass at times. Her eyes took in the desiccated greenery that were once her plants & she berated Winston for
11in his pantry. a wailing gobble was heard in the hall, a peck-pecking at his bedchamber & a great turkey carcass waddled in. "What are you?" cried Scrooge? "The Ghost of Thanksgiv