FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11right into a Puerto Rican family reunion. That was just mean. Three days later my Aunt Gracy skipped town with the sparkling jewels. She was in Prague, selling them to a fence
10fruit-sucking cockroach. "Susan, we should eat the fruitcake and transform," Sam suggested. Susan didn't fancy the idea of turning into an insect, but she reluctantly reached out
10and they even threw Tampons at it and her, too! "Pipe down!" Insecurity Woman shouted forcefully, "I never said anything about being great! I'm just your everyday, run-of-the-mil
15My name is Mudd, with two Ds, the second D is silent; in theory, if only one of them is silent and the other one isn’t, it doesn’t matter which of the Ds is silent and which isn’t.
10. Doris didn't like being called that, but had to admit she COULD be an ass at times. Her eyes took in the desiccated greenery that were once her plants & she berated Winston for